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Re: bmw-digest V9 #1130

<<Have you invested in the Robert
Bentley E-28 manual?. Are you running the proper Bosch Silber Plugs? How
many miles are on you 5er?  Have you checked the exhaust system from the
manifold to the converter for leaks? Have you checked your fuel pressure>>
Yest to all/115K.

<< A slight AFM
adjustment (I have a test mule and a new adjusted replacement unit) by
"loosening" the spring (make sure that you make an index mark on the toothed
wheel) 1 to 2 'teeth" should give you better driveablilty, and high mileage
cars they tend to lean out as they get older. Take note that this will do
nothing for your idle in the "closed loop" mode (O2 sensor connected, car
warm to hot).>>

Doesn't the car run closed loop at all times with the O2 sensor connected, 
not just at idle? My thoughts were that even with the AFM "adjusted" richer 
(weaker spring) teh computer/O2 sensor would try to drive the mixture leaner? 
If this is the case, then inserting a resistor in series with the temp DME 
sensor would do the trick since it makes the closed loop computer look for a 
different mixture value. The factory had a field modification of 560 ohms, 
but I am going to wire a 5 pos'n switch with 100ohms-1.2K available so while 
driving I can select the best compromise value to then solder into the 

<<FWIW: You might also look into a Jim Comforti chip, it was night
and day difference in my car: more power, higher rev limiter, better fuel
curve, better starting....>>

I am definately buying a JC chip, but figured that if I installed it before 
having the stock car running at its best, I would be sacrificing some 
potential when I install the chip.

Thanks for your suggestions. They are most welcome; reinventing the wheel is
a waste of time!

