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Re: massive brain failure

OK, so I'm reading the digest and all these posts about people ripping-off
book companies and book companies ripping them off and even I lowered
myself to respond to a response and then I come across Lisa's post.   Much
of it I didn't understand, as Lisa went to the M.K. school of email writing
(just kidding Lisa!!!  <<<g>>>) but I have to ask (snip follows):

So a couple of weeks had gone by.... then months.... then the whole
year... and I had been driving around with no registration tags and
aquired a lovely little collection of fix-it tickets...
 traffic court <snip>  I had to take a drunk friend back to his place
and he didn't have a ride <snip>

So, he couldn't take a taxi?

 and conveniently the 02 was there to take him
back, Lots of cops on Dec 31st who would be pil. The court probably

I'm sorry, this must be some kinda LA expression.  What does "who would be
pil." mean?

and just asked me to pay for the dues on the car to get my stickers. They
reimbursed me $108.00

OK, now I'm P.O.'d!   You knowingly and deliberately broke the law, not
once, not twice, but numerous times, and you got off?   You must be one
good looking young lady!

You should write David about getting a job at his law firm...

