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RE: E30 won't start - fire hazard? (#829)


I certainly agree that careless use of this tactic could lead to a 
hazardous situation, however significant "care" was taken to avoid 
catastrophe.  Lamps were strategically placed directly under components 
that have no drip-ability, regular visual checks were made to ensure that 
no leaks were occuring, the car was in a garage that was not attached to 
any living space (sad to have to think this way - but there definitely was 
a risk involved), and all lamps were removed during any starting attempts.

Thanks for the thought, though.  I wouldn't want my comments in the 
original mail to send anyone who reads it off in an unsafe direction.

- -Mike Olsen

SNIP: "Mike, I couldn't help thinking about those light bulbs under your 
car for 14 hours and the possibility of fuel dripping on them and igniting. 
 As a Registered Nurse, I've worked in the Burn Unit at UC-Davis Medical 
Center - YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THERE!  BE CAREFUL!  Perhaps instead of 
signing "carless" , you should've signed "careless"."
