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Duane's Prayer

Duane, Duane, Duane, you will never learn.
I guess you have never heard of "Bad Karma"? Hell its simple,
mock some religious prayer, sprinkle liberally with alcohol, add some
uncontrollable desire to gawk at "bimbos" who can only manage to feed
there illegitimate family by means of skin through people like YOU!

    The next thing you'll know is the feeling of impact by a tree (trees) and
you were just a passenger, a mighty helpless passenger at that. Gee that
must of hurt like hell. How long did it take to pull that seat back out of
your backside? ha ha ha ha Man you had several seconds to suck it up
er, I mean see it coming.

- -- Martin
'93 325isa and still no response from Jim C. on his chip and automatics?

P.S. For the net impaired, this is humor.
