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Did Dave's insurance company pay for the silver '98 M3/4?

Yesterday I got the answer.  YES!  Very fair settlement.  I believe the
key elements were 1) non-competitive, not timed ;>), 2) no passing
allowed (where the incident took place was a corner; explained passing
rules to insurance co), 3) it was a car-control school, not a race or
racing practice.  As evidence, I had an instructor in the car, and my
brother, his wife and his two 16-year-olds had gone to school there,
too.  Now, they took the "accident avoidance school", but it was also
conducted by BSR at Summit Point, and I told insurance co of the
differences, and 4) students drive the school's cars for skidpad
training because of the inherent risk of damage to cars.

I believe that if the instructor had not been in the car (as he was NOT
two laps earlier), I would have had a tough time with #3, and things may
have turned out much differently.

I now have a beautiful white M3/4 that may ("may", mind you, not "will")
never see the business side of a track due to my inability to UUC my way
out of this one. Loving spousal unit says something about 2- and
4-year-old sons needing a daddy, yadda, yadda.  Tough argument because
she's SEEN the remains of the silver car close-up and personal.

Dave Hogg  NCC
Pizzafest II School Lurker & Group 2 Wannabe

BTW, told spousal unit that I thought I could live with a Contour SVT
this time.  She replied, "No, you wouldn't be happy with anything but
another M3."  All things considered, did I marry well or what?!!
