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Mobile Tradition CD-ROM

Just received my copy of the BMW Mobile Tradition CD-ROM part #72 00 0
035 315.  This is a very good resource, and is in the same format as the
dealer-only CD-ROM part catalogues.  If you have a 1502-2002, E30, E24,
E23, E21, E12, E9, 1500-2000cs, Isetta, Z1, or some older BMW bikes be
sure to get this disc.  It is available to the general public in the
USA, and was even advertised in a recent Roundel ad.  BMW seems to have
bigger plans for this disc as many classic models (507, 328, Dixi, etc)
are listed but there are not part ## or illustrations, yet.  An added
bonus is the disc also contains the European catalog so you can look up
parts for your 518i, 728i, E30 M3 Convertible, or 325ix Touring - among
many others.  Sorry, no M1 catalog.

The news is not 100% wonderful, however.  The "browser" type format used
to present the information can be a bit awkward at times -- but then
your alternative is microfiche, if you can find it.

'98 Z-3 1.9
'86 325
