parts sources
Subject: parts sources
From: chrisp@domain.elided (Christopher A. Pawlowicz)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 96 09:25:38 EDT
A few people have asked about parts for their (new to them) bmws
a great way to find lots of BMW parts sources join the BMW CCA..
they publish a magazine called the Roundel and it is full of
bmw parts places.. new, used, etc.
Also, it has a large 'want ad' section in the back with members
selling or wanting all kinds of bmw stuff..
check their web page at
Year membership is ~$35 us.
hope this helps.. I have no relation with BMWCCA (other than being a
member) and I don't even live in the US.. but it's still a great resource
chris pawlowicz
'89 325i