Bone-yards for BMWs in the US ???
Subject: Bone-yards for BMWs in the US ???
From: berthold@domain.elided (olav berthold)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 01:44:58 -0400
Dear Digesters,
i'm posting this for a friend (believe it or not, but it is really true):
A friend of mine had a look into a copy of the Italian (!!!)
"PLAYBOY"-Magazine in a Newsstand of a train station some time ago. He saw a
pictorial of girls (what else ?) photographed in a special surrounding:
A boneyard/dismantler full of BMWs located obviously in a Desert-like
surrounding which he expects to be somewhere in the US.
He is currently planning a visit to the US which will cover some
South-Western and Western States. He would like to visit this BMW-Boneyard
and asked me to request via the BMW-Digest, if anyone knows where it is
located. Does anyone know where this place might be (or another BMW-related
boneyard that might be worth a visit) ???
Thanks for your help,