RE: Vis of 30 vs. 50 Mobil 1
Subject: RE: Vis of 30 vs. 50 Mobil 1
From: maggan@domain.elided (Prakash T Maggan)
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 01:20:54 EDT
<<<I just had another thought since you mentioned you had been
consulting the BMW recs for
oil viscosity... Were the viscosity specs for the various grade oils you
posted _BMW_ specs for used oil, or were they API specs?>>>
Hi Jerry,
The specs for used oil were listed on the back of the
oil analysis sheet. They were from neither BMW or API.
As for the actual oil analysis procedure, here it is. I've been using
Cleveland Tech. Center for my analysis. This lab was recommended by
many on Compuserve. The actual analysis kits can be purchased from
Lubricants @ 614-492-2000 for $12 each. The $12 includes
the price of testing. In the kit you will receive a sterilized clear
bottle for the oil
sample, a mailing label, info. sheet, and mailing bottle.
To get the oil sample, at your next oil change open up the sterilized
bottle and
start draining the oil. Once about half of the oil has drained out,
place the
sterilized bottle into the drain stream and fill the bottle. Then cap the
fill out the label and info. sheet and mail off the oil sample. In a
couple of weeks
you will receive a detailed analysis indicating amounts of ingredients
a description of their function. It will also advise of any excessive
and suggest corrective action.
Prakash Maggan
'92 DINAN 750iL