Re: E30 Air conditioning
Subject: Re: E30 Air conditioning
From: "Rick Kjeldsen" <fcmk@domain.elided>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 10:39:48 -0400
>>Is there any way to tighten the air vent louvers?
> After many years of living with this I finally figured out
>a way to fix it.
A quick correction to the note I wrote yesterday.
I had stated that to remove the entire air vent assembly from the
>It is held in by two tabs set back half an inch
>or so on the top. Insert a thin tool between the assembly
>and the vinyl and slide it back and forth to find the tabs, then
>work the tool to pry the tabs free of the dash. Pull the assembly
>toward you and free of the dash.
This is correct except that the tabs are on the BOTTOM of the
assembly and about 1.5 inches back from the face.
Sorry 'bout that,