Watch what you say-1984
Subject: Watch what you say-1984
From: talltom <talltom@domain.elided>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 01:02:50 -0700 (PDT)
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Just thought I should let you all know that anything you say here may be used
against you. It seems that this jeff/don't know your speed=ticket cop has
decided that I'm his personal pen pal. After trying to direct attention away
from the
issue, suggesting that it shouldn't be discussed publicly("discretion"), and
attempting to learn about me I recieved the below from him. Note that he has
learned my name, without me ever having mentioning it. So, we now have evidence
of intelegence gathering. Doesn't seem much of a stretch to figuire that this
thing might run it through NCIC or others, and ask some of the locals for a
(I probably have access to files on who he'd ask)
Anyhow if the idea of being harrased by the cops is either new or
to you I suggest that you aquiese to this thing.
If you're like me, you fully intend to use the first ammendment and welcome
the opportunity.
All further corespondence from this thing will be posted as that's the best
way to stop it.
Some areas have laws against what his last message indicates he just did,
and I believe two Ca. cities(one near him) recently had to settle matters of
this nature, and it cost them. Wouldn't hurt to look into your area if you
resent this type of behavior. Here we've been through it before.
For my part, my intention on joining this list was not battling neanderthals,
and in that vein I have no further plans to impose this subject on this group
unless the private email continues from this thing.
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Well, Mr. O'Connor...you've obviously read something into my original post:
It read " Alot of factors come into play...posted limits, your actual
speed, weather, traffic conditions, time of day, and most importantly, your
attitude. I can assure you that the guy that I stop for say....57mph in a
45 mph tells me "I really don't know how fast I was going, officer" is when
I break out the ticket book. I don't want to share the road with someone
who obviously isn't paying attention, and I don't want my family or yours
sharing it with that type of driver either. I don't have the scientific
data to back this up, but for the thousands of traffic stops I've made in
16 years, I'd guess that about 30% resulted in me writing a ticket. This
varies alot from agency and from officer, but 30% or so is not all that
unusual in So Cal."
Now, how in the hell you got "I didn't acuse other officers, you do here
though. I specifically addressed YOUR own stated behavior with respect to
the idea that because somebody doesn't know their speed makes it acceptible
to write them for something else.(which may or may not been fabricated.)
from that I don't know. That reads to YOU that I just go back and lie
about some phantom violation? I don't know what kind of ethics you were
raised with, but that isn't the way I do my job, period.
>No your choice of a job isn't an excuse for me to attack you, your choice of
Again what actions are you talking about SPECIFICALLY?
and the attempt to evade the
>of your actions proves my point.
If this is proving your point, so be it. You obviously read and comprehend
only what you want to.
If you'd like to have a serious discussion, without the personal attacks,
I'd be happy to have one with you. If you can't deal with that, then let it
drop. Either way works for me.
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At 02:03 AM 9/5/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>Well I believe that this kind of thing continues because people aren't willing
>>to speak out about it, and thereby gives the impression that it is acceptible
>>and/or will be tolerated. I refuse to to accept, tolerate, put up with,
>>or shut up about.
>> To do any less is criminal negligence to me. I want this meathead to know
>>in no uncertain that he is not respected or appreciated, and can be outwitted
>>at any time. When he gets that through his head, he may consider changing
>>his behavior, as it will no longer serve his needs.
>Well, Talltom, that "meathead" that "is not respected or appreciated" and
>the one that "can be outwitted at any time" is me. I'm the one that posted
>the response to Devon.
>Law enforcement generally needs alot of housecleaning still, as do many
>other professions. No one disagrees with that basic premise. Far too many
>municipalities use traffic enforcement as their prime source of revenue,
>and again, it's a poor tactic. The agency I work for, in LA county, does
>not take that particular approach, and I specifically could care less if
>the city makes a dime or a dollar off a ticket I write; my paycheck is the
>same regardless.
>As far as your personal attacks on me...if you've got some beef with law
>enforcement..and most people do, me included...do something constructive
>about it. Take it up at council meetings, or in front of whatever
>governing body oversees your city. You don't know me, have had NO personal
>contact with me, and to catagorize me, along with 10's of thousands of
>other officers, some of which may be doing a honest, good job, is
I didn't acuse other officers, you do here though. I specifically addressed YOUR
own stated behavior with respect to the idea that because somebody doesn't
know their speed makes it acceptible to write them for something else.(which
may or may not been fabricated.)
I own and drive BMW's. I participate in my chapter meetings, I
>go to the schools and have fun with the rest of you. Is my choice of a
>job, like your choice of employment, really a cause for you to personally
>attack me? Especially since I'm SO easily outwitted :) What is it you do
>for a living?
No your choice of a job isn't an excuse for me to attack you, your choice of actions
are. What I do for a living is irrelevent, and the attempt to evade the consequences
of your actions proves my point.
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At 02:03 AM 9/5/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>Well I believe that this kind of thing continues because people aren't willing
>>to speak out about it, and thereby gives the impression that it is acceptible
>>and/or will be tolerated. I refuse to to accept, tolerate, put up with,
>>or shut up about.
>> To do any less is criminal negligence to me. I want this meathead to know
>>in no uncertain that he is not respected or appreciated, and can be outwitted
>>at any time. When he gets that through his head, he may consider changing
>>his behavior, as it will no longer serve his needs.
>Well, Talltom, that "meathead" that "is not respected or appreciated" and
>the one that "can be outwitted at any time" is me. I'm the one that posted
>the response to Devon.
>Law enforcement generally needs alot of housecleaning still, as do many
>other professions. No one disagrees with that basic premise. Far too many
>municipalities use traffic enforcement as their prime source of revenue,
>and again, it's a poor tactic. The agency I work for, in LA county, does
>not take that particular approach, and I specifically could care less if
>the city makes a dime or a dollar off a ticket I write; my paycheck is the
>same regardless.
>As far as your personal attacks on me...if you've got some beef with law
>enforcement..and most people do, me included...do something constructive
>about it. Take it up at council meetings, or in front of whatever
>governing body oversees your city. You don't know me, have had NO personal
>contact with me, and to catagorize me, along with 10's of thousands of
>other officers, some of which may be doing a honest, good job, is
I didn't acuse other officers, you do here though. I specifically addressed YOUR
own stated behavior with respect to the idea that because somebody doesn't
know their speed makes it acceptible to write them for something else.(which
may or may not been fabricated.)
I own and drive BMW's. I participate in my chapter meetings, I
>go to the schools and have fun with the rest of you. Is my choice of a
>job, like your choice of employment, really a cause for you to personally
>attack me? Especially since I'm SO easily outwitted :) What is it you do
>for a living?
No your choice of a job isn't an excuse for me to attack you, your choice of actions
are. What I do for a living is irrelevent, and the attempt to evade the consequences
of your actions proves my point.
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