<MISC> Desire 120MPH Speedometer
Subject: <MISC> Desire 120MPH Speedometer
From: dfh@domain.elided (David Hoerl)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 96 10:25:32 EDT
I have an 84 633CSi. I'm interested in swapping my 140 (actually 150) MPH
speedometer for a 120MPH one. I'm tired of trying to figure out if I'm going
35 or 45 when I've got a cop on my tail, and also never having the needle pass
12:00 - the 75-150 range is totally lost on me.
I've been told by the North Hollywooed Speedometer shop they may be able to
modify my unit - they have to see it first. I'd rather just make a swap if
Anyone who is interested should email me directly - I imagine you'll need
a similiar vintage car - we can then remove units, photocopy the fronts and
back and swap FAXes or something (to see if it looks like they'll fit). I
guess you would need to have 14 inch tires as original equipment on the car
so that the gearing will match.
This is probably not ever going to work, but I thought I'd at least ask....
David Hoerl
84 633 CSi