RE: radio code
The code appears only on two thin plastic credit card size cards, that are
marked BMW anti-theft radio...or words to that effect. I do not think
they're anywhere else, on any other invoices. If you don't have them, you
can pull your radio and take it to the dealer. along with your veh
registration, and ask them to look up the code for you, or just drive to
the dealer and ask same. Some members have previously reported no charge
for this service...there certainly should be no charge if you walk in with
the radio.
To enter the code, you use the presets (1 thru 5) and punch in the
numbers as they are given. That's it...no 'enter' buttons or whatever.
Matt asks:
Well I bought the car used and I went through the papers for the car and I
have two numbers that I think might be the code. How are they marked on the
papers from BMW? Then How do I enter the code on the radio, (1986 325e) I
just use the bottom row of keys right, or is there another way to enter this