Griott's light protector
Subject: Griott's light protector
From: David Levin <levind@domain.elided>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:28:16 +1200
Griott's light protector film does say '3M' on the back, but the whole
product is not manufactured by 3M. 3M do manufacture the stone guard film
The Griotts product is a 1mm (40 thou) thick PVC film with a 3M adhesive on
the back. Whether Griotts purchase it as such, or put the two together
themselves, you'll have to ask them.
The tricky part is sourcing the correct components. Film this thick needs
to be optically correct, glass clear, uv resistant and reasonably flexible.
The adhesive also has to be able to withstand the riggers of a range of
temperatures and being pulled apart by the local car wash.
Just a little more complex than one would imagine...
David Levin
Auckland New Zealand levind@domain.elided