<E34> OBC calibration
Hi all.
It finally happened? Last friday i picked up my M5, a '90 Sebring gray
beauty. Have spent the weekend under the dash trying to fit the alarm
system my insurance company told me to install....
The little driving i have had time for, has indicated that the car runs
real well, and with no obvious problems. However, the OBC seems to be
completely out of touch with reality. All functions work, but i refuse to
beleive what the thing tries to tell me about average fuel consumption.
It indicates 38 to 40 liters/100 km. (I my conversion is correct, this
corresponds to around 6 mpg). I can only hope it's not true.....
I remember some postings not too far back, where calibration procedures
were discussed. Unfortunately, i never saved them, and i have not been
able to locate them in the archives, or in the FAQ's.
Does anybody have the procedure at hand? All i remember is something
about entering a correction factor, but how?
Any help and suggestions welcomed, to digest or via private E-mail.
Gunnar Elmgren,
Stockholm, Sweden
BMW Club Schweden no 1436
- -------
'71 1600-2 Vollcabrio
'75 2002 tii
'90 M5 (my new toy)
Ex '88 735iA ('Der Panzerkreuzer', gone, but not forgotten)
Gunnar Elmgren
AS/400 Software Support, IBM Sweden