
<E36> Cleaning side moldings

Chad Klingbeil <chadk19@domain.elided>writes:

>What are your favorite methods/products for cleaning the wax/polish residue
>(white) off the side moldings (black)?  (Since the rest of the car is
>black, too, the molding looks pretty bad...)

Actually, I wax these moldings with P21S wax and they look like black
satin. No white. I don't put it on rubber. Vinylex (Lexol) goes on the
rubber. Doug Van Scyoc of Auto Addictions (800-334-6074) says that Vinylex
is great for tires. They don't get that slimy silicone look.

Ephraim Fithian     fithian@domain.elided
92 E36 325i 5-speed 80k,  97 E39 528i 5-speed 1k.
Previous 78 530i 5-speed 192k, 84 318i 5-speed 18k,
85 535i 5-speed 117k, 95 530i 5-speed 24k.
BMWCCA 14040, NMA member, Macintosh user.
Wishing to contact any list members living along the route of our upcoming
motor tour of WI, MN, ND, SD, WY, MT, Alberta, BC, WA, OR, UT, CO,
KS, mid-Aug to end-Sept, and motor tour of Australia, end-Oct to mid-Dec.