
'Pre-Historics' SF Bay Area M Car Gathering


Well, with the success of last month's M car gathering, we've decided to 
hold another.  Last time we had nearly 20 cars show up.  Most E36 M3s.  
(We had two identical M6s!  Even down to the custom paint on the wheels! 
 Go figure...)  There's generally lots of enthusiasm and lots of car 
talk.  We were missing 2-3 regulars last time who will be there this 
time.  A few people asked me 'where's the supercharged M3?'.  Well, it 
better be there this time (Chuck).

The M Car Gathering here in the SF Bay Area will be the week before 
(during) the Historic Races.  The location has been Scotts in Palo Alto, 
and will be this month.  

I'm leaning toward the end of the week so that a caravan can be 
organized for a trip to Monterey. (Or a caravan coming through the Bay 
Area can attend.  We're about 1.5 hours from Monterey).

Again, this is a social gathering.  If you are interested in seeing what 
works well in different cars (esp. E36 M3s), this is the place to check 
it out.  

I'll post one more notice before the event (maybe), so e-mail me if 
you'd like the direct e-mails I send out regarding these events.

- -Richard Biscevic
1995 ///M3  (That would be a REAL one.  Real fast too.)