<Misc>"boy racers"
><Misc>"boy racers"
A boy racer is someone with more car than brains or talent. They make it
dangerous for all of us. Just because you are young and have a hot car
you aren't automatically a boy racer. Some old Farts can also assume boy
racer status. If you have respect and knowledge of your car combined
with respect and knowledge of your abilities and limitations you will do
fine. I was proud that my 23 year old son ,who has a very modified VW,
Jetta GLI went to Watkins Glen with me this month in my car and was fast
but most definately not a boy racer. He was proof that you get fast by
driving well not recklessly. I get faster everytime I go and I intend to
keep driving within my abilities . BTW I am a little jealous that Wes, my
son, has more natural ability :( When I am on the track I listen to my
instructor and dont get caught up in the "I have to prove how good I am
syndrome". I am now in the intermediate group and can get into real
trouble. I don't plan to let my ego cause a wonderful car to be crunched.
I am impressed at how the organizers and instructors of our Genessee
chapter driving schools make it a safe enjoyable experience. I am sure
it is that way in other chapters and MY hat of to you all. Thanks. Go
there - have fun and remember if we were real race car drivers they would
pay us to do thi instead of us paying to do this. You are there to have
a ball and learn how to drive better not to race the next person and get
Holly McReynolds
BMW 325is
SCCA WNY region- BMW CCA Genesee
"I will walk where my own nature will be leading; it vexes me to choose
another guide"- E. Bronte.