Re: <02> Heater Control Cables
I response to Travis L. Ma's posting, Curt Ingraham said:
>......................... This is an excellent time to
>check the operation of the fan motor.
I fully agree with Curt.
It is also an excellent time to replace the 2-inch long hose between
the heater valve and the heater core, and to have your heater core
flushed, externally cleaned and checked out for leaks/corrosion (talk
to your nearest radiator shop).
Just my opinion, learned the hard way myself.... Good luck.
Gunnar Elmgren
Stockholm, Sweden
BMW Club Schweden no.1436
'71 1600-2 Vollcabrio (with new heater valve, core, fan motor and hoses)
'75 2002tii (heater box pulled three times in 2 years... no comments pls)
'88 735iA ('Der Panzerkreuzer', still for sale.)
Gunnar Elmgren
AS/400 Software Support, IBM Sweden