The Roll at Bridgehampton
Subject: The Roll at Bridgehampton
From: Jeff Tarr <jeff@domain.elided>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 23:16:13 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Everyone-
The following is a message from Steve Musolino, the president of the
NY chapter. After reading all of the posts regarding the roll at
last weekend's Bridgehampton event he felt he had to clear up some
of the misinformation floating around. I am posting this message for
him since he does not have access to the digest. You can reach Steve
at musolino@domain.elided:
I understand that the NY Chapter has taken some flack about the
rollover incident at Bridgehampton. Let me state clearly the Event
Organizers are well aware of the causes and circumstances of the
incident and a full investigation of the matter was completed before
we left the track. In contrast to many Chapters Clubwide the NY Chapter
provides very detailed incident reports as required by the National
Standards. I have over 18 years as a nuclear industry professional
enguaged in nuclear and non-nuclear safety analysis and research.
In addtion, Dave Bryan, Chief Instructor for National Capital Chapter
who has been a regular for many years at the Bridge was kind enough to
share his extensive experience with the school by conducting the portion
of the track walk to include that corner. Dave also provide a very detailed
technical analysis of the sequence of events in writing to me that
are part of the report.
Now that some have had their fun arm chair quarter backing this the
day after, I should inform you that I analyzed the 3 years of crash
data that CCA National has collected since they required reporting.
So not only do I have a precise understanding of the crash rates in
NY and why they occur, I am fully cognizant of the reasons why cars
crash in the first place and have written two papers for the Club
leadership on the subject.
First, cars tend to roll at Bridghampton because the track is built on
soft sand. I have seen rollovers occur at 20 mpg, yes 20 mph. Like
wise a minor incident at Lime Rock or the Glen appears more
spectacular at the Bridge. So be very careful about appearances. Second,
and most important, the modern cars permit a rank novice to achieve
cornening speeds that advanced drivers could not in modified cars 10
years ago. This with essentially no skills whatsoever. They show up
in M3s, turbo Porshes, etc with track rubber and chips, and they have
NEVER been on a track or a skid pad yet. I and others who have been in
this 5+ years learned on "low tech" unmodified cars with street
rubber. We leaned to drive them fast then move on to bigger things.
My passenger timed me at a 2:07 last weekend and I did it with a 150
hp car with a slightly better than average suspension and track
tires. We see novices do comparable time to that in M cars. The cars
do the driving now and there is no incentive to actually develop
Another factor is these unskilled drivers get the car loose for the
first time at very high speed and usually get into big trouble. Those
of us who started out in "low tech" cars had our first few loss of
control incidents at relatively slow speed and or in Dave Bryan's
case with some time on the skid pad first.
I have slashed the incidents per track day rate way down compared to
that past, but the number will NEVER be zero. So those of you who
drive on the track, or plan to, better factor that into your thinking.
I advise everyone at every the Saturday Driver meeting to consider
5-point restraints and rollover protection. Very few take me
Last, I will say that even though we must live with risk that can
never be reduced to zero, NY has I say THE BEST INSTRUCTOR CORPS in
the northeast and maybe the Club. Every single person is a multitrack
driver. There are no more Bridgehampton "specialists" (people who
never drove anywhere else). Our instructors hold Instructor status
at 2,3 or more other BMW Club Chapters. NOBODY gets made an
instructor in NY any more without a high level of proficientcy and they
get a perfomance based test to qualify. We are also not an entry
level Chapter to become an Instructor.
So if anybody out there thinks they can do better, please take over
running the school for me and second guessing why cars crash in my
Steve Musolino
Driver School Coordinator
Chapter President
- --
Jeff Tarr