<web page > How can we help Richard
Now that the digest has a web site for such things as FAQ's and help
with Majordomo etc, it would seem a likely place for those odd items that
would be useful to whoever needs them. Things that come to mind are such
things as tire formulas in a spreadsheet, any indexing by topic or whatever
of digest postings, Roundel indexes or other useful formula or spreadsheets.
Richard would these things be useful and how can we get them to you?? I've
been indexing the Digest's content section for volumes 3, 4 and now 5 in
simple Write txt. I'm sure others have other useful items that would be nice
to have web access to.
As the goal of the digest is shared info let's see what we can do to
help richard .
Greg Mierz
Roster Manager
BMWACA Puget Sound
Editor MTecnic Zundfolge
1969 2002Ti (MPOWER)