
<e24> rust areas

Fellow Sixers,
	The following rust prone areas apply to my '83 633 csi.
	Most common areas:
	1. Underneath battery, a good rust area
	2. Underneath brake master cylinder, along the driver frame rail 
	where it intersects the firewall. Also underneath the brake proportioning 
	3.Inside trunk, on the l&r quarters, especially to the L&R of the 
	4. Inside rear wheel well lips.

	Some surface rust in passenger floorboard, where it got wet a few times.

 	5. underneath the rear lip of the trunk lid.

	I use a wire wheel to remove the scale/loose rust and then etch 
it with phosphoric acid. Once it is dry(24hr) I primer the area and apply 
paint(mix hardner,acrylic enamel, reducer) with small paint gun. since my 
paint job sucks anyway, I do the above to stop the rust(does it ever 
stop?) until I get out of school and get time or money to paint the whole 

83..633.3.5l..(RD springs/Hartge sways/ Bilsteins Sports/Korman 
Bushings/Alpine 6-disc/head unit and the rest of the usuall goodies!)