requiem for an e23
Subject: requiem for an e23
From: "jlcl01::mrgate::a1::pappentl"@domain.elided
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 96 22:05:21 EDT
From: NAME: Thomas L Pappenhagen
TEL: (609) 540-3613 <PAPPENTL AT A1 AT JLCL01>
To: "BMW-DIGEST@domain.elided"@ESDS01@MRGATE
the wiring harness on my '84 e23 is in dire need of replacement
after melting over the weekend (my wife was just driving along
and poof). I called my insurance agent and reduced the coverage
on the car while I decide whether this is a great parts car or if
it's worth the money to fix. I also asked if this would be
covered by comp. and the agent said that if the car had gone up
in a pretty ball of flame that it would have been covered, but as
the harness didn't actually burn the car to the ground it's not
covered. This doesn't seem quite right to me. Anyone out there
with any insurance knowledge that they'd like to share?