
antifreeze and bmw aluminiun

As far as i know,the only difference between regular(i.e prestone 
yellow) anti-freeze and "german" antifreeze is that the german car 
manufacturers prefer phosphate free antifreeze which is more durable
and chemically stable. The regular yellow prestone antifreeze is only 
good for 2 years/24000miles under "normal" driving conditions and if 
it's used for longer periods of time it breaks down and becomes rather 
corrosive to aluminium . I understand that phosphate free antifreeze
does not have this problem and hence costs twice as much.I read that 
VW believes that the phosphate free antifreeze in their vehicles never
needs changing.......
  I believe that yellow prestone should be fine if it's changed every
2 years/24000mile.Prestone phosphate free antifreeze is good for 4 
years/48000 miles according to Prestone.
Is german antifreeze different/better.... ?

As far I know now, any visible corrosion in the colling system is 
corrosion throughout the system.Corrosion around the hose connections 
can be an indicator of worn out antifreeze .As far as the aluminiun
in BMW's, I suspect it's the same or better than the material in 
american cars. I invite opposing views. 

Aside,I am concerned about where all that used antifreeze is being 
disposed off though....I read somewhere that it is ok to dump it in 
the toilet and that the sewage treatment beaks it down into harmless
components....anyone know for sure?


henri baccouche