commercial issues, part 2
Subject: commercial issues, part 2
From: richard welty <welty@domain.elided>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:59:16 -0400
in reviewing recent bmw-digests, i see that there is another issue
simmering that i've been pondering for a while; the issue is the need
for co-existence between reps of commercial outfits and potentially
dissatisfied customers on the bmw-digest.
there is NO good answer to this one. in any unsatisfactory
customer/supplier relationship, it is a simple fact that either one (or
both in some cases) might be at fault. a single customer complaining
about a supplier on the list might be 100% justified, or 100% wrong, or
anywhere in between.
attempting to hash it out on the digest is unlikely to satisfy anyone,
and mostly will just annoy the bystanders who are watching a flame war
that they are not likely to ever know the truth about, and thus probably
don't really care about.
so i think that something about this is going in the policy statement
for the list: the bmw-digest is simply the wrong place to attempt to
deal with customer complaints, simply because there is little or no
prospect of satisfactory resolution in this environment.
in fact, as a general rule, when you are about to post on any topic that
is potentially flame provoking, it's a good idea to think about it
first: "will anything get resolved, or will this simply tick off a lot
of people and cause mass unsubscriptions from the digest?"; for me,
there are bmw cca related topics that fail this test and which i
therefore have not brought to the digest.
- --
Not Insane! in '96
George Leroy Tirebiter for President
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