
E30 braking performance during rain

I've been experiencing a bothersome trend the past
year or so...when I'm driving in dense East coast
interstate traffic during often-heavy rain, and
some Lexus^H^H^H^H^Hcar causes me to brake, I feel
*no braking action* for about 1-3 seconds.  I don't
think it's hydroplaning...it feels more like *wet*
brakes.  I thought that with disk brakes (especially
of Bavarian origin), this should not be a problem.
After enough time (or modulation of the brakes), they
then function as normal (read: excellent) brakes.
Any other drivers notice this?

My OE pads and rotors are still good...I annually replace
the Castrol LMA brake fluid...and the 195/60/HR-14
Comp T/A HR4's have good tread depth.  Oh...being an
'85 325e, ABS is lacking.

Scott Bachmeier
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA
(waiting for a 318 ti with Sport package...)