As usual we are getting faux facts from those who THINK they know the REAL
answers. Example, that in order to produce hydrogen we would have to produce
enormous amounts of electricity in order to produce hydrogen by electrolysis.
That would be correct...IF that were how they were going to get the
hydrogen. In reality, the current hydrogen fueled vehicles, the Honda for
example, gets its hydrogen from a fuel cell that uses NATURAL GAS and the USA
is the Saudia Arabia of natural gas. The current hydrogen fueled vehicles
are, overall, about 10% more efficient than diesel.
Natural gas is great. If you want you can burn it directly in your
internal combustion engine. The problem is that (according to the
numbers I've read) AT CURRENT RATES OF CONSUMPTION we barely have
more natural than we do oil. Imagine if we start running an
appreciable number of our cars on natural gas--it'll go pretty fast.