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Toyotas & Alfa

In a message dated 11/1/02 5:35:22 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> This is strongly biased by the fact that Toyota was only starting to sell
> cars here in 1972,

Umm, no.

Toyota sold it's first car in the US in 1957.  Although, the earliest ones 
I've ever seen were the mid-sixties Coronas.  My mom's first car was a '69 
Corona.  Motor Trends import car of the year in '69.  I still see 'em around 
and they are considered collectible among Toyota enthusiasts.  The Corolla 
was introduced in '68 and I've seen a few of those around too.

By 1972, Toyota was quite established here in the US.  They had a full line 
of Corollas, Coronas, the Celica (introduced in '71), and pick-up trucks.  
They were also selling the (short lived here in the US) Carina, an upscale 
Corolla and in my opinion the ugliest car Toyota ever built.

Honda was only just starting to sell cars here in '72.

Alfa and Toyota enthusiast!
'95 Celica convertible
'82 Alfa Spider
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