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RE: V8 in a spider

Indeed you listed a bunch of reasons, you gave a very general view of
factory car builders, and you pointed out only the faults in certain cars.

Now, look at the tangible reasons not to do this.  Like ultimate
drivability.   What it would take to make this car drivable is enormous.
The project goes far beyond bolting in a motor.  There is a point of
diminishing returns.   Which, speaking to your last point, is neither
innovative, breakthrough, or serves a purpose like other car makers who have
built in their garage.   In short, this guy is no Carroll Shelby or Harley
Earl.    So what purpose does this project serve?   To prove it can be done?
I think many of us on this list could do it.   There are several here that
can turn a wrench, have a pretty good understanding of automotive mechanics,
and can weld.   And I suspect the outcome would be similarly undrivable.
Geniuses like Shelby, Fusi, Satta and Ferrari are few and far between.

The car builders you refer to are not always looking to the performance
market.    Believe it or not, some people actually buy cars to get around.
They don't care about engine displacement.  And there's nothing wrong with
that.   Comparing this guy apples to apples with performance designers and
builders he is a shade tree wannabe.    Could you seriously imagine one of
the designers/builders we respect even trying something like this?   Not

In short, there is a monumental difference between mechanic and engineer.
This project is ill conceived by a mechanic who thinks he's an engineer.
And it will be an expensive lump of metal in the end.  But indeed, the V8
will be in (what's actually left of) an Alfa Spider.   And if that's the
goal, its no small feat but no major accomplishment.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-alfa@domain.elided [mailto:owner-alfa@domain.elided]On Behalf Of
Tony Sims
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:17 PM
To: Alfa Digest
Subject: Re: V8 in a spider

Peter writes:

>Once again, why would anyone want to do this?

Because they got an itch.  Because it would be fun.  Because it would create
something unique and interesting.  Because 50 people will tell them it can't
be done or shouldn't be done.  Because they can.

>It makes far more sense effort and cost wise to buy the car that meets your
>criteria then try to modify one.   There has to be something out there that
>rumbles and handles reasonably well for less time and money that it would
>take to attempt this.

Of course it does/there is, but that's not the point.  There are many cars
there that are more reliable, cheaper to maintain, have more available
yada, yada, yada than any Alfa in the US.  Most of us have one like that,
parked outside in the weather while our impractical, rust-prone Italian
oil spots on the garage floor.  Glass houses...

>It occurs to me that cars are a complete design.   Many experts spend many
>hours getting everything right, and along comes Joe backyard mechanic that
>immediately says they all got it completely wrong and this is the way it
>should be done.

It occurs to me that cars emerge from factories, like most mass produced
products, the end result of a series of compromises.  Design compromises for
engineering, engineering compromises for accounting, everyone compromises to
meet the government regs and the marketing department's consumer profile.
Thanks for nothing, Henry Ford.  If all we were trying to do was fit our
needs, the market would need only 3 or 4 variations of personal vehicles.  I
refuse to have my needs, interests or preferences dictated to by a car
company, or any other company.  Apparently I'm not alone, just look at the
sales performance of most SEMA members.  And, there's still a strong market
for bespoke cars, among those who can afford such baubles.

>Baloney.   Find a professional design that fits your needs and buy it.

You're probably not a big George Barris fan, huh? ;-)


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