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Re: Alfa - Audi and BMW comparison

>Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:43:03 -0500
>From: "Ralph Fetsch" <RFetsch@domain.elided>
>Subject: Alfa - Audi and BMW comparison
>If I remember correctly didn't BMW recently, 2001, have a problem with
>cooling fan motor switches that caused the car to catch on fire and burn?

Yup, this was on the E46 (internal model code for the latest 3-series)
handled via a recall.  I can't seem to recall any mfgr that didn't have
to recall a vehicle at one point or another.

The 2002 M3's (built in late '01)
also seem to have a problem keeping their lower bearings intact, too:

Apparently, BMW tried to apply some spin control and 
some of the louder "squeaky wheels" have been getting replacements.
This is the sort of thing Alfa needs to do should they return
and things crop up.

Sunnyvale, CA
'85 GTV6
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