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Re: Euro headlight conversion

I have Cibie lights for the inboard pair on my GTV6, and I didn't have any trouble installing them--at least not enough to break anything. I do recall a bit of a squeeze though.

As for Biba's recent obsession with supercharged TS motors, why doesn't anyone ever put a 1.8 turbo motor in their Spider's instead of TS 2.0's? How hard would it be to bolt the turbo hardware from a 1.8T onto a 2.0 from a Bosch Spider?? Just curious

Joe Elliott
'82 GTV6 (air conditioned at last!!!!!!)

--On Saturday, August 17, 2002 1:11 PM +0000 alfa-digest <owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided> wrote:

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 07:39:53 -0500
From: John Brase <jbrase@domain.elided>
Subject: Euro headlight conversion

I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but...

I bought a set of really nice Cibie lights for my '84 GTV6 (along with
the relays and such).  I'm having trouble even getting the lamps mounted
in the buckets.  The Cibie lenses protrude forward much farther than the
USA spec sealed beam units so that they won't slide into the chrome
rings that hold them into the buckets.  They get hung up on the little
tabs that hook to the clips on the bucket.  I tried to gently bend the
tabs to get clearance and promptly broke one off.  Now, of course, I
need to find a new ring.  And I need to figure out how to get the lamps
into the rings I have left.

Anybody have any guidance they are willing to share?  I hate feeling
this stupid.

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