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in defense of the MGB

In a message dated 7/8/2002 8:09:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> That MGB was the most patheticly handling, underpowered piece of junk.
> I remember it had no synchros so when he downshifted without blipping
> the throttle, the wheels would lock up.  That was 1973 about 18 years
> after the invention of synchro-mesh transmission.
A few years ago I "hired" a 1964 MGB-GT in beautiful restored condition for a 
week's touring around Scotland, and it was a lot of fun (especially in 
comparison with an Alfa, a completely different animal).  

I had been familiar with this model in decades gone by, although not as a 
right-hand driver, and this came in handy when "someone" left the lights on 
the very first day and killed what I knew to be the 2 6v batteries in series 
hidden under the rear "seat."  Good  thing - the road service people who came 
to give us a jump had nary a clue; in fact, hadn't yet been born when they 
had the brainstorm of hiding the batteries.  Lucky I had "prior experience!"

There is really no comparison between a svelte, sleek, elegant Alfa (name any 
model) and the MG, something of a small tank.  But, it got us around handily, 
was exactly the right size for the narrow Scottish lanes, and I thought they 
heavy steering was OK, too!

Best of all, something that is like an Alfa: it helped us to meet a lot of 
people who once had,or knew someone who had, such a car.  That was the best 

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