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Yo -

Yes, it was a Caesar (although his momma probably knew him as "Cesar"),
a restaurateur in Tijuana, who invented the Caesar salad. (Damn near
impossible to get a real one now, as it requires the inclusion of an
almost-raw coddled egg, which carries the possibility of the Dreaded
Salmonella.) The big deal about the salad (as was also the case with
Alfredo and his fabled fettucine) was that Caesar himself would come to
your table and whip it all together for you, at least if your name was
Clark Gable or something like that.

Kinda like some of our favorite Alfa shops, huh? In at least four
establishments that I know of on the North American continent, any Joe
can bring his crummy old Berlina in and have it looked at, poked and
prodded and possibly even put to rights by a widely-acknowledged master
of the craft, a guy we maybe read about in Road & Track back in high
school. And we don't even have to be Clark Gable.

Will Owen
Pasadena, CA
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