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Re: GTV 6 locks and keys

Robert Savi asks: "The PO of my GTV6 changed the door locks as they broke.
Unfortunately each door (of the three) has different keys.  Any way to key
them alike?"

It is said that the tumblers (with a few spares, to offer choices) can be
disassembled, sorted, and reassembled in matching sets, but that this is
time-consuming and finnicky work to get a matched set of old and worn locks. A
quicker, low-fuss solution is to buy a complete lockset, which was the only
way ignition locks were available from Alfa the last time I bought one, about
eighteen months ago, for $94.50. I assume the PO must have scavenged used
locks one at a time to get totally mismatched, and the original ignition
switch probably will have seen better days. $94.50 is not quite free, but it
buys one a factory-fresh start on another twenty years of dependable
ignition-switching as well as door convenience, which beats risking having the
ignition switch going out at some unpredictable and probably damned
inconvenient time and place, and then waiting a week or two for the UPS
delivery. Cheap enough cost/benefit ratio, in my opinion. YMMV.

John H.

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