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November Velocissima is now online!

Here in New England, we've been experiencing one of the warmest, driest 
autumns in recent memory -- perfect for us Alfa buffs.  As a result, 
there's quite a bit to report on in the November edition of Velocissima, 
the AONE newsletter, now online at  This issue 

* Events:
   - The Annual AONE Autumn Barbecue
     at Glynn Motorsports is slated for
     Saturday, November 3 (Say what?)
* The Great Yankee Candle Run - Story and photos
   from the AONE Fall Tour
* Vendor Profile - Ereminas Imports Scales Back
* Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It? --
   Part 3 -- Mainly photos from the VSCCA
   Fall Finale at Lime Rock Park
* The Italian Car Cruise in Central New York --
   Reported by event organizer Cal Crouch
* Help Is Everywhere - An inspirational vignette
* The Club Store - Help pump up the economy --
   buy somethin'!
* Classified Ads - A lot of turnover this month!

Yes, another AONE fall tradition, the Tech Session / Swap Meet at Glynn 
Motorsports, has been scheduled for November 3 -- that's next 
Saturday!  This year, we're going to be juicing up the affair by holding a 
BBQ on the premises!  Details at  If you're in 
the neighborhood, please drop in!

Dave Pratt
AONE Webmaster 

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