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Re: FIAT 131 was Mirafiori?

C M Smith <cmsmith@domain.elided> sez:
> Or some such name for a while in the US. The 131 moniker was also used to 
> be consistent with the 124, 128 and so on that FIAT liked to use in 
> America. There are very, very few FIAT 131 left now I should think, less 
> than Alfa Milanos. They won't be expensive but they were  a very nice 
> Berlina actually. They used the Pininfarina Spider drivetrain i thought and 
> were one of the very few raer wheel drive sedans available.

I've seen the name "Mirafiori" on 131's in Italy, but never in the US.  Doesn't
mean it wasn't used here, though.  More commonly used on 131 sedans in the US
was the name "Brava."  I don't recall the last time I saw one alive in the
States, so I concur with the "rarer than Milanos" estimate.
jw (NY)

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