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Re: Importing cars

I tried to post this earlier, but it bounced back and hit me in the chin, 
perhaps I should have taken the hint but....

The other day I was in the U.S. customs house in Philadelphia, and while 
in line I read a pamplet they have titled "Importing a Car."  The pamplet 
obviously went on to detail what one needs to do to import an old or new 
car.  In going through the pamplet, it didn't seem all that bad, but in 
one or two places they did refer you to DOT or EPA regs--whatever they 
are.  Essentially though, if you can get a letter or new window sticker 
in English for customs that states your new vehicle meets US standards 
that there is no problem, just a 2.5% tax....  Anyway, I hate to possibly 
bring the "importing" question back from the ashes, but I thought such a 
pamplet might be useful for someone that might wish to import an old/new, 
Alfa/non-Alfa car.  If anyone would like me to look something up in it 
and relatte it to them, or send the pamplet or a section of the pamplet 
along drop me a note.  However, if I get so many requests that will leave 
me standing in front of the copier for a day or two, then I'll have to 
make other arrangements....  Antway, I hope that it might be useful for 



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